Just because you’re feeling it, doesn’t mean it came from you or that you have to own it.
“Who does it belong to?” This question and “Is it Yours?” are great pattern interrupts when we’re feeling strong feelings including:
All the “feels”.
And they can be intense! Strangely, the stronger the intensity, the less likely it is that that feeling actually belongs to you.
The great news is that you can change it
Simply by asking the question: “Who does it belong to?”, you start to undo all the places that you’d decided that if you’re feeling it, then it must be yours. This questions opens up possibilities that you can start to let go of painful thoughts, feelings and emotions and give yourself space for thoughts, feelings and emotions that serve you better. Perhaps even support, nurture or enthuse you!
Asking “Who does it belong to?” or the simpler version: “Is this mine?” is a great way to start to unravel everything that we’ve taken on and assumed is ours that really doesn’t contribute to our lives.
In asking the question, it’s not about trying to work out who it does belong to, or where or how you picked it up… asking either or both of these questions is designed to give you freedom to let it go.
And letting it go can be as simple as that.
Or it can be a little more tenacious and require a little more releasing.
This tool is in the Access Bars Class Manual, so if you’re ever inspired to go to an Access Bars Class anywhere in the world, (come to one of mine if you’re in the UK! More info here: Niki Duffy Bars Classes)
If you would like more information, help or support in how you can truly let other people’s intensities leave your body, mind and beyond, here are 3 ways that you can receive that support from me (Niki Duffy):
- Like to talk to me one to one? Great! To book a free intro chat, click here.
- Prefer a sense of community? Explore my free facebook group here: Choosing For Today Facebook
- Read my blog post “Can you reduce stress with Access Bars?” here
Awesome can you talk about choice
Hi, yes, thanks for your comment.
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