People often ask me: “What is the difference between Access Bars and Reiki?” Both Access Bars and Reiki are non invasive therapeutic therapies that involve gentle touch. They both use energy as part of their process too. One of the big differences with Access Bars and Reiki is that with Access Bars, we are releasing…
Month: February 2019
Access Bars what are the Creating Connections and Creating Life Forms Bars
Access Bars what are the Creating Connections and Creating Life Forms Bars? Have you ever wished you could be great at creating connections? Do you long to have more ease with connecting with people? Letting go of everywhere you think you’re wrong for the way that you connect and allowing different possibilities with connection with…
Aging Toaster Access Bars
Aging Toaster Access Bars Have you ever wished you could slow the hands of time and aging? The Aging Toaster is the Bar where you hold all the thoughts, feelings and emotions about what it is to age. To get older, for your body to age, your mind to age. Everything that you’ve bought about…
Creativity Bar Access Bars
Creativity Bar Access Bars What is the Creativity Bar Access Bars? Have you ever wished you could be more creative? Have you been told your whole life that you’re just not creative? Whether you’d like to expand your creative abilities or don’t believe you have any creativity at all, the Creativity Bar gives you clarity…
Healing Bar Access Bars
Healing Bar Access Bars Have you ever wished you could be a healer? Have you ever secretly wondered if you do have healing capacities? Perhaps you KNOW that you are a healer! When you run the Healing Bar in an Access Bars Class, you release the thoughts and judgements about healing that don’t serve you….